DDoS Attacks Are Driving Final Fantasy 14 Players Crazy

DDoS Attacks Are Driving Final Fantasy 14 Players Crazy!!

There have occasionally been DDoS attacks against Final Fantasy 14. It is not just Final Fantasy 14 that has to deal with this issue; nearly all massively multiplayer online games have experienced one or more DDoS attacks in their time, whether it be from hackers trying to extract money through ransomware or from them just showing off their skills to prospective customers. But lately, Final Fantasy 14 has been plagued by a lot of them.

Since Dawntrail’s release, supporters have noticed a noticeable and significant increase in DDoS attacks. The official Final Fantasy 14 Lodestone reveals that the game has experienced seven DDoS attacks in just over two months, with the most recent one occurring a day before, September 18. The initial assault happened on July 15. During the past month, there have been four DDoS attacks.

Square Enix updates The Lodestone after every DDoS attack and says it is “investigating and taking countermeasures,” but given how frequently attacks are happening lately, that justification is beginning to seem a little flimsy. Players of Final Fantasy 14 are starting to get irritated with it as well; they have been venting their annoyance on social media.

  • The persistent DDoS attacks in Final Fantasy 14 are beginning to irritate players.

Memes and complaints about the situation flooded several Final Fantasy 14 subreddits shortly after the most recent DDoS attack happened. Users are saying that there is “more they could do to prevent this.” There are also a lot of people who are upset about the attacks and Square Enix’s apparent lack of effort to try and stop them. Other users are not so understanding, such as BananasWithGuns, who claims that “people need to start holding SE’s feet to the fire” over the issue.

Gamers will understand how annoying these attacks can be, particularly in longer content. A DDoS attack could potentially be more detrimental than death for players who are engaged. in lengthy Alliance Raids like Puppet’s Bunker, attempting savage reclears, venturing into dungeons, or getting booted out of a short dungeon or raid.

Though there does not seem to be much hope from the community itself, perhaps Square Enix is working behind the scenes to lessen the frequency of DDoS attacks. If it were possible to halt the DDoS attacks during my daily roulette sessions, that would be fantastic.

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