Aside from its dedication to pure three-D platforming fun, it’s clear that Astro Bot is obsessed with making references and leaving hidden secrets in Astro Bot for you to discover. There is not one level or location in Astro Bot that is not hiding a little something more for you to keep an eye out for.
That is why narrowing down all of the hidden secrets in Astro Bot Easter eggs to only a handful is quite a mission, but with how many there are to pick from, it is easy to get a solid selection. So, out of all the hidden secrets in Astro Bot, which can be the most fun to locate, and which could you easily have missed?
7. All the Cameos

One that goes without saying since it barely counts as hidden are all of the cameo bots you can discover throughout each of the game’s ranges, but what constitutes these references as hidden is how unlikely you are to find all of them in a single playthrough.
Nothing matches the thrill of locating a hidden bot in a level, only for it to be one of your favorite characters from PlayStation history. Then you’ll get the joy of finding them again on the Crash Site hanging around with unique animations (some hidden inside the gacha machine) and helping to unlock new areas.
6. Hidden Photo Shoot Opportunity for More Coins

There are a plethora of collectibles scattered throughout each of the levels in Astro Bot, and most of these are signposted at the start of a level with a clear symbol showing which ones you have and which of them are still missing.
However, a hidden collectible that is easy to miss if you don’t know where to look is the picture cutouts. These cute photo ops are entirely interactive and will feature different elements of the level coming together to pose with you, and if you’ve unlocked the safari, you can snap a pic for some bonus coins too!
5. Jackpot! Take Advantage of Your Temporal Manipulation

Slo-Mo Casino is one of the best levels in Astro Bot, especially due to its strong theming, and intuitive introduction of the slo-mo watch power-up. The watch can slow down time to make platforming possible in certain areas, but there are a few hidden ways you can take advantage of it.
For instance, in one part of the level, there are four slot machines to choose from, and if you manage to slow down time and hit the jackpot on all of these, you will be rewarded with achievement, as well as even more coins for spending!
4. Literal Astro Bot Easter Eggs Crash Site Exploration

Collecting bots is one of the easier activities to do when playing through Astro Bot, but another rarer and slightly more challenging hidden collectible is the literal Astro Bot Easter eggs you’ll find scattered around the Crash Site.
These are typically out of reach and will require a certain number of bots to discover, and each of them houses another connection with PlayStation history. For instance, most of these are quadrupedal animals which would look strange plastered over Astro’s gown.
3. Tripcaster Attack Aloy Action

At the end of every world in Astro Bot, we are treated to a bonus level, which will house the missing part of the massive PlayStation 5 ship that we are trying to repair. These levels are all themed around a particularly iconic PlayStation franchise, and one of the most open-ended lets you play as Aloy-bot in the Horizon-themed stage.
Here you have complete control over Aloy’s bow weapon, which means you can aim with much more accuracy at enemies that would otherwise be out of range. However, one of the smartest references to Horizon is in the use of tripcasters about midway through the level. While you can’t manually place those components of Aloy’s regular arsenal yourself, you can try to lure enemies into walking into them.
2. Post-Game Performance They’re Grateful

The main plot device of Astro Bot is that the Space Bully Nebulax has destroyed and stolen the essential parts of Astro’s giant PlayStation 5 spaceship, and Astro needs to hunt down each of the missing portions within the exclusive worlds to ultimately get it working again and get revenge on Nebulax.
As you reconstruct the ship at the Crash Site intermittently throughout the game, you can check on each of the pieces you have rescued and restored, but what you may not have noticed is that after finishing the game, you can check on all the pieces finally reunited, and they will serenade you with music matching the theme at the Crash Site.
1. Gold Statue with Power-Ups Encrusted with Details

One of the trickiest hidden secrets in Astro Bot is so obscure because it requires you to collect all of the hidden jigsaw pieces to unlock them. While the first four puzzle piece unlocks are fun cosmetic bonuses, the final release is more of a completion reward, giving you a large gold statue of Astro with its own space at the Crash Site.
While there’s a way to interact with this statue if you’ve been thorough enough to collect all the hidden bots throughout each stage, if you closely investigate the statue, you will notice each of Astro’s powers encrusting the base of the statue.