In this third part of our boss guide for Wukong’s Ultimate Battles, let’s concentrate on the bosses that are a bit stronger than those in the initial chapters that you will meet in the later chapters.
Here you will discover more about these aspects and learn how to overcome them. Get ready for the two interesting battle features packed with exciting infotainment, as we get you through these epic battles!
The Ultimate Bosses Breakdown: The Iron Bull

The first boss that you are going to meet in this section is the Iron Bull, a big and powerful vehicle famous for(raw) its muscles and endurance. This monster is a huge problem with very powerful attacks that can launch players all across the battlefield! There are a lot of players who have fun by saying that the Iron Bull must not train his legs at all – while everything above now is well-developed, all below looks pretty slender.
To defeat Iron Bull players should focus on evasion and while staying away from his charges should look for an opening to attack. Timing is crucial; if you fail to set a schedule and embark on a risk-driven attack, you are bound to get badly beaten. It is possible that some players jokingly state that in professional wrestling the Iron Bull would shine by his great moves!
Wukong’s Ultimate Battles: The Phoenix Guardian

After that comes the Phoenix Guardian – a very difficult and destructive enemy for which you will have to fight in the air. A red bird attacks the players descends from above releases fire and kills those in its way. It was like trying to capture a feather during a storm and you know how challenging that particular act is.
In order to destroy the Phoenix Guardian players should improve their reaction to predict its attacks of fire. Some have jokingly opined that this particular boss might be trying out for a cast in a fantasy movie, what with ‘he’; charming the whole flock of flaming birds?
Nobody said that waiting and watching is the best policy; wait for the right time and then strike!
Wukong’s Ultimate Battles: The Shadow Assassin

The Shadow Assassin is one of the missions in Wukong’s Ultimate Battles. This sneaky enemy specializes in guerrilla-like attacks so players will find him to be one of the most challenging bosses of them all. It is not a secret that when fighting him, one might feel challenged to a game of hide-and-seek with the ninja.
The Shadow Assassin is actually the final boss, and before defeating him, players should watch out and learn his moves. Despite him being fast, do not allow him to scare you because with practice you will be able to guess his next move. Some of the players jested he could be in the race for another title ‘Best Disappearing Act’- and he has copied it down!
Wukong’s Ultimate Battles: The Serpent King

Next to it, there is the Serpent King – a large serpent with a snake’s head that travels through the Marsh of White Mist. They often use some very powerful ranged attacks, and can even order some kind of NPCs to assist them in combat. As it was stated, players compare the sensation of meeting the Serpent King to a horror scene: one mistake and they lose!
To deter the Serpent King, the player does not want to be near its sweeping attacks, while all the player has to do is hit vulnerable parts of his body. It can be crucial, notwithstanding if you are playing with your closest friends. Some of the players have jokingly stated that they would prefer to confront a collective of bees than the giant snake—bees don’t have teeth!
Wukong’s Ultimate Battles: The Twin Dragons

The Twin Dragons are other other big bosses who are met later in the game. They do so well that they are easily ranked as some of the most formidable partners in Wukong’s Ultimate Battles. It is like walking on two left legs and one is lucky to remain on the ground, let alone dancing.
Unfortunately, to subdue these marvelous dragons, a player has to juggle both at the same time avoiding their fiery breath. Coordination is vital! Players even joke that fighting the Twin Dragons is like playing leap over the fire, trying to attack them can be hard because the second you try you get burned!
Wukong’s Ultimate Battles: The Celestial Beast

We have reached one of the most thrilling encounters in Black Myth Wukong —the Celestial Beast. This massive antagonist towers over the foliage and can unleash some devastating blows that will easily knock out a player’s health. Well, it is like fighting against a mountain which can also throw fireballs!
In order to beat Celestial Beast player needs to use all the abilities that were gathered during the traveling. Some of these are accurate dodging, hence exploiting its shortcomings. As so many players jokingly like to compare it to winning an Olympic gold medal.Yes you are a winner! Before we end this segment of our guide to Wukong’s Ultimate Battles, let’s still state that every fight is different from one another and uses new methods of fighting. Be determined, gain something from every incident, and have fun! In our next installment, we will explore even more epic battles awaiting you in Black Myth Wukong !